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    Public Space

    Chapter One: Urban Impression
    (Session 1 and 2)


    Chapter One: Urban Impression
    (Session 1 and 2)


    Chapter One: Urban Impression (Session 1 and 2)

    In these creative thinking and spatial design workshops, we explained the concept of urban design to the kaifong from North Point and investigated with them the characteristics of the North Point community. By taking reference from historic buildings and their spatial impressions, the workshops prompted the participants to observe the various urban phenomenon and inquire into the needs and rhythm of the community, aiming to inform them about human-oriented community design.


    The intern Sandy is sharing her first impression of Chun Yeung Street to the neighborhood


    Professor Mo of the Department of Architecture of CUHK and Eric, a representative of Neighborhood Innovation Lab, are explaining to members what the impression of the city is


    The teacher accompanied interns on a field trip to Chun Yeung Street, and learned about the public’s impression of the North Point community from the dialogue with the neighborhood


    Two participants are visiting and recording the community experience of the neighborhood


    The interns and neighborhood members are sharing and discussing what they have seen in Chun Yeung Street
