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    Public Space

    Chapter Two: Community Living Room
    (Session 3 and 4)


    Chapter Two: Community Living Room
    (Session 3 and 4)


    Chapter Two: Community Living Room (Session 3 and 4)

    As a living room about everyday life, a community living room, which shares living space with the public, doesn’t exist permanently. By presenting all sorts of daily matters as the “furnitures”, the goal of a community living room is to inspire everyone to appreciate and reflect on these humdrum matters. During these workshops, we visited Chun Yeung Street to observe and document quotidian objects that are rich in context. After learning the details behind each item, we were able to deconstruct the relationship and functions between the community and these objects. Then, we deliberated upon the perspectives of “playing”, “resting”, “imagining” and “working”, re-imagining the distinct features and recasting the possibilities of Chun Yeung Street.

    The interns Santa and Chasing are interviewing neighborhood about interesting objects in Chun Yeung Street


    One of the members of the neighborhood Albert is sharing the facilities and elements of his ideal living room


    The interns and neighborhood members are using post-it notes to sort out key ideas


    The intern Shannon is collecting ideas from the neighborhood on the environment and facilities of Chun Yeung Street


    The interns are using post-it notes to classify the neighborhood’s perception of Chun Yeung Street


    Alison of Project Hap Sap is explaining the theme concepts of each group to the members


    The team members of urban design lab are using pictures and text to organize the key points
